The Crew (character designer)
Designed the characters for an RPG party, while simulating a reference style chosen by the client and limiting the palate to acomodate their colour blindness.
Alyke (character designer)
Social media app. While in 52 Animation Studio, collaborated in researching, designing, and defining the visual style for the characters who would later be animated. You can see more of this project here
Development studies for fun forest creature Character sheet for fun forest creature, after colaborating with 2 other artist Character sheet for insect-fairy creature
Character studies for magical spirit creature Character sheet for magical spirit creature Character studies and final design for rebel robot
Costume Desing (character designer)
Homework from a course on costuming for different mediums and character archetypes
Manga cover. Folley artist, design of two life moments (late teens and early adulthood). Comic. Clockmaker turned Robin Hood.
Feature animation. Single dad working in waste disposal. Work outfit. Feature animation. Single dad working in waste disposal. Initial home outfit. Feature animation. Single dad working in waste disposal. Final home outfit.
Theater play. Anxious potter who meets a monk and learns to have a voice.
Past the Prologue (creative producer & character designer)
Original 2D series pitch. A group of teens from multiple species must come together despite their prejudices against each other
Main cast lineup
Character moments sketches Character pose and expression sheet
Costume exploration for formal event in story <br> As a couple, their colours were structured to be complementary
Sewers (character designer)
Resistance group character design, using anime style references wih punk and hip hop elements
Windows (scriptwriter, character designer & art director)
Animated 2D short film. Used contrasting colour palettes and shape languages to represent the opposite personalities of the protagonists. The film can be watched here
Turn around of Amara, using sturdy shapes and green to represent her sturdy yet calm personality, with hints of red for contrast and representation of her ambition and fiery mood Outfit and colour evolution through the film, moving towards desaturated and blue-ish hues through the narrative to show the advent of winter and the emotional state of the character
Turn around of Dahlia, using flowy shapes and orange to represent her energetic personality, with hints of blue for contrast and representation of the sadness that overtakes her throughout the story Outfit and colour evolution through the film, moving towards desaturated and blue-ish hues through the narrative to show the advent of winter and the emotional state of the character
The Mad Prince, Hamlet (character designer)
A futuristic glam adaptation of Hamlet, by Shakespeare. The art direction is inspired by high fashion, except for the distressed mad prince, who wears old drapey clothing
Original costume thumbnails. With strong inspiration from gender-fluid high fashion, many possible outfits were designed for Hamlet, trying to reflect his madness through eccentric clothing. Finally, it was decided that Hamlet should have an old fashion, drapey clothing, and the rest of the world should instead use the high fashion design inspiration.
Character sketch and colour tests
Ybyrá (creative producer & character designer)
Original 2D series pitch. Developed during the Holistic Storytelling, Thematic Arcs & Design Logic classes with in Hedge Studio. Based on Brazillian folklore and culture, the story is as a mix of Gravity Falls and Princess Mononoke
Character sheet for Iara, with description, concept development, final design, expression studies, and outfit variations for diferent situations Character sheet for Saci, with description, concept development, final design, expression studies, and outfit variations for diferent situations Character sheet for Reg, with description, concept development, final design, expression studies, and outfit variations for diferent situations
Leo & Lully (character designer)
Pre-school cut-out series by 52 Animation Studio. While in the studio, designed multiple human and animal characters while following the established style of the show. This project can be seen here
Brazillian people in their national colour, representing the varied ethnicities and religions of the Brazillian country Football mascots for several countries in the worldcup, using their national animal
The Rotfather (lead character designer)
2D cutout animated series for transmedia project from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Reserched and defined the artstyle while also designing the characters